Google Reviews for Metro Auto Glass

If you are registered and logged in to your Gmail or Google+ account you can quickly navigate directly to the review box. If you are not a power Google user, the process may seem confusing and intrusive. It is really not so bad and can be completed in a few minutes. Let’s walk through the steps.

1 – Navigate to Business Listing

2- Write a Review Button

Next, click on the “Write a Review” button



3- Log in Prompt

You will be prompted to log in to your Gmail account. If you do not have a Gmail account you need to click on the Sign Up button in the top right hand corner.



-4 Create Account

Fill in the required information….less than 10 fields and a Captcha form.



-5 Completed Registration

After confirming you will receive a confirmation page and be ready to go.


-6 Continue to Review

After hitting continue, you will be brought back to Google Places Page or to Review Box.

Then click on the blue “Write a review” button

-7 Write Review – Publish



… And that is it! You are done! Thank you for your review!